SPKAC Billet Information

Billet families play a crucial role in the success of our Sherwood Park Kings Athletic Club. By opening their homes to our players, these families provide a supportive and nurturing environment that helps young athletes thrive both on and off the ice. The experience of billeting is mutually rewarding; players gain a home-away-from-home, while billet families form lasting bonds and enjoy the unique opportunity to be part of a player’s developmental journey. Becoming a billet family is a meaningful way to contribute to the community and support the growth of hockey’s future stars.


Each season, the Sherwood Park Kings Athletic Club recruits talented young hockey players to join our AAA teams. For some of these players, the chance to play with one of our elite teams is only possible with the support of a billet family willing to open their home. Billeting not only provides these young athletes with a stable and supportive living environment but also allows families to play a significant role in their developmental journey both on and off the ice.


The duration of a player's stay with a billet family typically spans the entire hockey season, from September to April. During holiday breaks or when their schedule allows, most players will return home for short periods.

To help cover the expenses of hosting a player, billet families receive a monthly payment of $600 from the player's family, due on the first of each month for the duration of the player's stay. This payment is intended to assist with the cost of groceries and basic personal care items such as shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste. Should the player need specific items beyond the usual essentials, those costs would be the player's responsibility and are not included in the monthly fee.

Responsibilities of a Billet Family

Providing a Supportive Home Environment:

  • Offer a private bedroom or a shared bedroom with a teammate, including a closet and desk if possible.
  • Maintain a clean, family-oriented environment.
  • Ensure well-functioning Wi-Fi is available for the player to use for homework and other needs.

Meals and Nutrition:

  • Provide three balanced meals a day.
  • Allow the player to bear some responsibility for their own snacks.
  • Be mindful of the player’s dietary needs and restrictions.

Transportation and Schedule Coordination:

  • Assist with transportation to and from practices, games, school, and team events, if necessary.
  • Be familiar with and coordinate the player’s game, practice, and event schedules to ensure timely attendance.

Academic and Personal Support:

  • Provide a quiet space for the player to complete homework and study.
  • Ensure the player attends all classes and provide support for balancing academic and athletic commitments.
  • Ask the player for a timetable of their classes to stay informed.
  • Ensure the player has access to essential toiletries and personal care items.
  • Encourage good personal hygiene and self-care practices.

Guidance and Emotional Support:

  • Offer encouragement, listen, and give support during the ups and downs of the hockey season.
  • Be a mentor, friend, counselor, and good role model.
  • Support and build up the player’s self-esteem.
  • Maintain open lines of communication with the player's parents and team officials.

Household Rules and Responsibilities:

  • Clearly communicate household rules and expectations to the player.
  • Enforce strict curfews established by the team or league and report any violations.
  • Encourage the player to contribute to household chores and responsibilities as appropriate.

Health and Safety:

  • Ensure the player has access to medical care if needed and know how to contact emergency services.
  • Be aware of the player's health needs and any specific medical conditions.

Social Integration:

  • Include the player in family activities and social events to help them feel integrated.
  • Respect the player’s need for downtime and rest.

As a host family, your role is to treat the player as one of the family, providing a supportive and nurturing environment that helps them thrive both on and off the ice.


Responsibilities of a Billeting Player

Respect and Courtesy:

  • Show respect and courtesy to all members of the billet family.
  • Follow household rules and guidelines established by the billet family.
  • Communicate openly and honestly with the billet family about any concerns or needs.

Personal Responsibility:

  • Maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness.
  • Keep your bedroom and shared spaces clean and tidy.
  • Be responsible for your own laundry and personal belongings.

Participation and Integration:

  • Participate in family activities and social events when possible.
  • Make an effort to integrate into the family’s daily routine.
  • Show appreciation for the hospitality and support provided by the billet family.

Academic Commitment:

  • Attend all scheduled classes and complete homework and assignments on time.
  • Provide the billet family with a timetable of your classes and any changes to your academic schedule.

Hockey and Team Commitment:

  • Be punctual and prepared for all practices, games, and team events.
  • Maintain open communication with the billet family about your hockey schedule.
  • Follow team guidelines and expectations regarding conduct, curfews, and performance.

Financial Responsibility:

  • Manage any specific personal expenses, including any unique dietary needs or personal care items not covered by the billet fee.


  • Maintain regular contact with your parents or guardians to keep them informed about your well-being and progress.
  • Inform the billet family and team officials of any issues or concerns that arise.

Health and Well-being:

  • Take care of your physical and mental health.
  • Underage players are not to consume alcohol or drugs, nor be involved in any other illegal activities.
  • Inform the billet family of any medical conditions or special requirements.
  • Seek medical attention if necessary and communicate any health concerns to the billet family.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, billeting players can contribute to a positive and supportive living arrangement, fostering a harmonious relationship with their billet family and making the most of their hockey and personal development experience.

Families interested in becoming a billet home for the Sherwood Park Kings Athletic Club are encouraged to complete the application form below. In addition, families must complete and provide a Criminal Record Check to the club. After the application is reviewed, the SPKAC Billet Coordinator will conduct a home visit and meet with the family. If approved, the family will be added to the billet home list. During the tryout process in the fall, the Division Director will work with the Billet Coordinator to place players in the billet homes that are the best fit.

Applying for a Billet as an Incoming Player

Incoming players who need a billet are required to complete a billet questionnaire to help us match them with a suitable host family. Once the questionnaire is submitted, our billet coordinator will review the information and work with their Division Director and Billet Coordinator to find the best fit for the player. This process ensures that each player is placed in a supportive and compatible home environment for the duration of the season.